Certified Pick up for the transport operator

Transport operators receive the release right through Certified Pick up. You can convert that right to a pick-up right. This assigns a driver for pick-up by truck using an Alfapass. For collection by barge and rail, a means of transportation must be assigned.

Announcement for truck drivers

Since May 17 PIN codes are no longer valid. From then on, you can only pick up a container via the Certified Pick up in the entire port area. Are you unable to collect your container? Read here what you need to do.

Read more
From May 17, picking up a container will happen entirely via Certified Pick up.

As a transport operator, what do you do with Certified Pick up?

Through Certified Pick up, the transport operator gets the right to pick up the container, once the necessary commercial agreements are in place. Once the container terminal forwards a terminal release, the container can actually be picked up. To this end, the transport operator can designate a driver (via the Alfapass number) to pick up the container. In the case of inland navigation or railway companies, packing lists can be sent to the terminal. The terminal checks via Certified Pick up whether the requesting company has the pick up right for these particular containers.

As a transport operator you convert the release right into a pick up right. This indicates who is allowed to pick up the container.

As a transport operator, you can use Certified Pick up to: 

  • Receive a release right from the shipping agent or previous owner of the release right.
  • Transfer a release right to another party. 
  • Accept or reject the receipt of a release right. 
  • Revoke the transfer of a release right. 
  • Assign a pick up right to a driver. 
  • Revoke a pick up right back (if the container has not yet left the terminal).
Register your company and start using Certified Pick up.



1. Register your company and users


Is your company already registered? Then apply for Certified Pick up in your account. If you don't know if your company is already registered, just go through the registration process. The website recognises existing data and tells you what the next steps are.

Register now

2. Create a Cinvio account


In order to enable pre-payments in the User Interface, transport operators must also have a Cinvio account. You can find more information about the registration process and the link with Certified Pick up in the manual.

Register with Cinvio

3. Log in to Certified Pick up


To use the application, log in to the Certified Pick up User Interface. To do this, use your data from step 1.

Log in to Certified Pick up


As a transport operator, you can implement Certified Pick up in your organisation in two ways: 

  1. With the user interface, as in step 2 above. 
  2. By integrating the API directly into your ERP or transport management systems. You can read how to do that in the manual

In this presentation you will find best practices for the use of Certified Pick up as release party and transport operator.

Best practices for the transportoperator

In this presentation you will find best practices for the use of Certified Pick up as release party and transport operator.

Follow a training session

To facilitate the rollout of Certified Pick up, we organize training sessions for transport operators and release parties. You can rewatch the training sessions here.

Learn more
To facilitate the rollout of Certified Pick up, we organize training for release parties and transport operators.
How to accept containers as a transport operator?
How to accept or decline a container as a transport operator using Certified Pick up?
How to revoke the release right for a container as a release party using Certified Pick up?
How to transfer the release right for a container as a release party using Certified Pick up?
How to arrange a pick up as a transport operator using Certified Pick up?
How to check the container status using Certified Pick up?
How to manage your driver list?
How to assign a pick-up for accepted containers as a transport operator?
How to update a pick-up as a transport operator?

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